Traveling with kids can be a rewarding experience for both parents and children. However, choosing the right destination that caters to the interests of everyone in the family can be a challenge. To help you plan your next family vacation, we have compiled a list of the 10 best places […]
The best travel games can be entertaining at any point of your vacation, whether you need to pass time during a road trip or you’re stuck in your hotel room while it rains. That said, travel games come in many different forms, with some better suited for larger groups and […]
There’s a common saying among parents: When you have kids, it’s not a vacation, it’s a relocation. Going away just isn’t going to be as relaxing when you’re traveling with babies and young kids, no matter where you go or how you get there. All those daily parenting tasks — […]
Even with the recent Omicron-fueled surge of coronavirus cases, family travel is rebounding in a big way in the U.S. Kids five and older are now eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine, easing parental anxiety, and after many homebound months there’s a pent-up desire to get out and see the world. […]
Traveling with kids is often fraught with both excitement and anxiety. You can’t wait to go somewhere (finally!), but you also know that the potential for meltdowns lurks around pretty much any corner. After all, so many things are out of your control as a parent, the least of which […]
By: Josh Berhow November 20, 2021 Bringing your kids and your clubs? Here’s how to make it work. Getty Images Welcome to GOLF’s Travel Mailbag, a series in which members of our staff field your course- and travel-related queries. Have a question for a future mailbag? Tweet us at @golf_com. […]