Best time travel movies | Space

We’ve ventured across time and space to bring you our rankings of the best time travel movies of all time. We said time too many times there. And again.

Time travel movies can be hit or miss, depending on how they approach the science of the subject. If a movie tries too hard to take their subject seriously, but leaves massive plot holes throughout, it will be soundly derided by fans of the genre. Those that play flippantly with the idea of time travel will be more welcome, but might still be regarded as popcorn fodder rather than a serious approach to a difficult subject.

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Best things to do in Jamaica

Thu Oct 21 , 2021
When it comes to music, sports and culture, Jamaica has long been punching above its weight compared to other destinations around the world. Set between the Caribbean Sea and the craggy ridges of the Blue Mountain range, Jamaica’s attractions range from hidden waterfalls, music festivals and white-sand beaches, to historical […]
Best things to do in Jamaica

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